Day 2 of natural self-healing: Blood glucose dropped to 10.9mmol/l
Day 4 of natural self-healing: Blood glucose dropped to 5.6mmol/l. Rose was discharged with medication and insulin injection.
Day 8 of natural self-healing: Blood glucose stabilized at 7.6mmol/l. Her doctor discharged her with oral medication. Her healer had released a total of 10 imbalances in her body during these 8 days.
Understanding Diabetes Epidemic
- significant inflammation of the arteries (which increases risks of heart attack and stroke)
- elevated blood pressure (hypertension)
- elevated triglicerides
- lowered HDL and increased LDL
- significant weight gain especially around the mid-section (referred as central obesity)
After patients have had Syndrome X for a few years - some 10-20 years - the beta cells of the pancreas simply wear out and can no longer produce such high levels of insulin. At this point insulin levels begin to drop and blood sugars begin the rise.
~What Your Doctor Doesn't Know About Nutritional Medicine May Be Killing You, Dr Ray D.Strand
For example, a review by Hui, which appeared in the Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine 1995; 15: 145-154 found that acupuncture has a 3 fold benefit on diabetes. Firstly, it increases insulin synthesis in the pancreas, increase the utilization of glucose and increasing the number of receptors on target cells. Hence, resulting in the lowering of blood sugar.
To add insult to injury, low levels of energy causes our body to accumulate toxins. Dr. J.H. Tilden says that it is the low state of energy known as enervation that leads to chronic diseases. Once a diabetic purges the toxins (detox), loses weight and fats they would naturally reverse diabetes.
I believe that watching your blood sugars closely or maintain a haemoglobin A1c below 6.5, are not a good management of diabetes. If you struggle with diabetes, fatigue or weight problems are you willing to free yourself from a lifestyle of medication and live a healthier and more energetic life?